IP Address discovery service
1/Mar 2016
Starnux.net offer a very simple service :
That prints the current IP address you are using :
Votre adresse IP est
Vous accedez a ce serveur en IPv4
JSON output : here
You can also get a JSON output at :
{ "ip": "", "protocol": "IPv4" }
And even force the IPv6 address at :
and get :
Votre adresse IP est 2001:41d1:b:5390::
Vous accedez a ce serveur en IPv6
JSON output : here
Same for JSON :
{ "ip": "2001:41d1:b:5390::", "protocol": "IPv6" }
And you can automate it from the terminal by running :
$ wget -q http://ip6.starnux.net/json.php -O - | json_pp
"protocol" : "IPv6",
"ip" : "2001:42d0:b:5291::"
And interpret the JSON in python, ruby, go, … whatever !